My Work

Since 1998, I've accumulated a rich body of work. As a qualified architectural designer, I have been involved in both classic interior design and, from a very early stage in my career, interior reconstructions. These are perhaps my most cherished and exciting projects. They require specialized knowledge and, in addition to creativity, involve scholarly research, the results of which I publish. As an interior designer, I hold the highest qualification, that of lead designer, which attests to my ability to design large-scale buildings and public institutions in their entirety. Since 2016, I have also been captivated by the creative design of exhibitions. I first participated in the design of the exhibition at Gyula Almási Castle as a co-curator, where I was able to utilize both my interior design and research skills. In 2021, the renovation of Borsi Rákóczi Castle was completed, where I, as a member of a four-person creative team from the MOME, collaborated with my fellow designers to conceive and realize the exhibition "The Three Births of Rákóczi".